I've been up for a little over 2 hours, what have I done? I woke up, let my dog out, made some coffee and read the paper. Normal Saturday. Then I had a very nutritious breakfast of 2 cookies and an apple (perks of being an adult). Woke up my daughter.....greeted my dad as he came in to work on our cabinet he made.
Then I blogged for a bit, surfed Facebook and checked my email. Roughly an hour and a half ago I thought to myself, "gee jess you should take a shower and go run your errands." Did I get up? Nope. Here I sit. I am still blogging and spacing out at a movie on TV right now. I don't normally go into couch potato mode, but apparently THIS is it.
The real question then is......is my ass numb due to an active choice OR circumstance? You tell me because I am just too lazy to figure it out right now.
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