Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bobby pins....friend or foe?

It's a normal Tuesday, same traffic, same people here/no here, desk is the same, office the same...just another average Tuesday....or so I thought. Here I am, minding my own business at my desk. Pleasantly working along, typing away, listening to the interoffice discussions that tend to amuse me. Suddenly something wiggles down the back of my shirt. Immediately my mind thinks...bug? spider? creature? flea? But I can't freak out because I am sitting at my desk and will get funny looks. Yes, that's me, always trying to make a good impression. I go still, glance around and feel around the back of my shirt...nothing. And then.............a bobby pin. The bobby pin, once located in my hair, had fallen out of my hair and down the back of my shirt. What if I had freaked out? My office may have thought I was going nuts and escorted me out...I can see it now...."Tonight on the 11 o'clock news...file clerk escorted out of downtown office building, claims she was under attack....more news at 11."

Friend or foe? you make the call.

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